
TickTA merges with OneWizard


TickTA merges with OneWizard

We are pleased to announce that we are now able to offer our TickTA (Time & Attendance) customers the option of moving to the OneWizard platform.

The Time and Attendance System aka TickTA – joins the OneWizard “Multi Modular” set up, and aligns perfectly with the other specific areas of business management that we assist our clients with.

All your TickTA data and access points can be migrated across to OneWizard hassle free without any concern of downtime.

Along with the fantastic time & attendance functionality you have already become accustomed to, the OneWizard platform can offer the additional benefits:

Absence Management
Asset Management
Customer, Supplier and Relations Management
HR Management
Additional Time And Attendance Capabilities
Production And Job Management
Task Tracking and Maintenance
Purchasing Management
Digital Forms Management

More information about the migration and exactly how it applies to your account is available in your TickTA portal as soon as you login. Any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out.

If you would like to check OneWizard out with no commitment then why not sign up to a free trial with us here and experience for yourself the countless ways that OneWizard can benefit you and your company!